UV Amalgam Lamp- 65W 2.1A Ultraviolet Germicidal Light

  • Model : GPHHA357T6L
  • Ozone Free : 254nm 
  • Length: 357mm
  • Diameter: 19mm
  • Power: 65W 
  • Current: 2.1A
  • lifetime: 13000 hours uv output is not less than 80%

UV Amalgam lamp is a special type of UV germicidal lamp that provides a higher UVC output and a larger temperature range within which the lamp can still be kept running by a technology that regulates the mercury vapor pressure in the lamp. Unlike standard lamps, the mercury does not float within the lamp, but is fixed to the gold amalgam point along the axis of the quartz tube. When the temperature of the lamp fluctuates, the amalgam point absorbs and releases the mercury in the lamp, thereby maintaining the optimal mercury vapor pressure within the amalgam lamp.

Since the mercury vapor pressure remains constant, the UV output is also kept constant, so that the UV Amalgam Lamp is not affected by changes in the surrounding air or water temperature, and its UV output remains stable over a large temperature range.

UV Amalgam Lamp offers the best performance over a broad air and water temperature range (4 – 40°C) with consistent UVC output; custom designs for higher temperature applications are available. They are available in both ozone generating and ozone-free lamp types.


Tube Diameter


Arc Length




UV Output at 1m.254nm

Wave Length

Standard Life


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