Mercury UV Lamp- 127W 254NM Ultraviolet Disinfection Lamp

  • Model : GPHA1000T5L
  • Ozone  Free 254nm 
  • Length: 1000mm
  • Diameter:15mm
  • Power: 127W 
  • Current: 1.2A
  • lifetime: 13000 hours uv output is not less than 80%

The manufacturing process of Mercury UV Lamp is labor-intensive and more expensive than low or medium pressure UV lamps, so the price of lamps tends to be higher. However, the extended service life of amalgam lamps means a good return on investment in the long run.

Low pressure Mercury UV Lamp provides stable performance over a wide range of ambient temperature variations with 3 to 4 times higher power density.

Mercury UV Lamp has some advantages over other lamps in that their vapor pressure is controlled by the position and composition of the amalgam and allows for higher lamp current operation using a robust filament.




Arc Length




UV Output at 1m.254nm

Tube Diameter

Wave Length

Standard Life


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