UVC Amalgam Lamp- 254NM 32MM UV Disinfection Light

  • Model : GPHHA1554T10L
  • Ozone Free : 254nm 
  • Length: 1554mm
  • Diameter: 32mm
  • Power: 471W 
  • Current: 5.0A
  • lifetime: 13000 hours uv output is not less than 80%

UVC Amalgam Lamp (also known as high output low pressure lamps) contain mercury like other UV lamps, but it is in the form of an alloy with another metal that forms a amalgam.


This means that the mercury is fixed to the amalgam points on the body of the lamp or contained in the amalgam particles, thus changing the way the lamp works in two ways. The manufacturing process of UVC Amalgam Lamp  is labor-intensive and more expensive than low or medium pressure UV lamps, so the price of lamps tends to be higher. However, the extended service life of amalgam lamps means a good return on investment in the long run.

UVC Amalgam Lamp is suitable for helping to disinfect liquids, air and surfaces, but if they are used in very still or stagnant air or water, the high temperatures generated when operating at high power can cause problems.


Tube Diameter


Arc Length




UV Output at 1m.254nm

Wave Length

Standard Life


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