254NM Amalgam UV Lamp-220w 25mm UVC Light for Air and Water Disinfection

  • Model : GPHHA1200T8L
  • Ozone Free : 254nm 
  • Length: 1200mm
  • Diameter: 25mm
  • Power: 220W 
  • Current: 2.9A
  • lifetime: 13000 hours uv output is not less than 80%

Most 254NM Amalgam UV Lamp is water treatment germicidal lamp. Due to the high power and long life of amalgam lamps, energy consumption and maintenance cycle are greatly shortened.

254NM Amalgam UV Lamp saves energy and generates very little heat. The UV output power is 3-10 times that of the general low-pressure mercury lamp, and the applicable ambient temperature can be as high as 90 ° C.

254NM Amalgam UV Lamp has a continuous and stable bactericidal effect throughout the life of the lamp. The service life can reach 13,000 hours, at which time the output power of the UVC can still reach 85% of the initial UV power.


Tube Diameter


Arc Length




UV Output at 1m.254nm

Standard Life

Wave Length


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